Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Wheels On The Bus…


… are currently transporting one of my photos around town!  The gals at Bellingham Birth Center so liked the photos I took of my friends Jen & Josh that a few months ago they asked to use one for the advertisement they were planning to put on a WTA bus.  It’s not every day that one of your photos is rolling around town on a transit bus, so I contacted WTA to figure out how I could get a picture of the ad.  Maureen McCarthy, WTA’s Community Relations & Marketing Manager, arranged to have the bus in question held in the bus yard for me one afternoon last week. I think the ad looks pretty great!

QFam_9.009_Home_bw_lg (37) A better view of the photo chosen by the Birth Center

Always one for a  learning experience via field trip, I thought it would be fun for Asher and his little bro Christian to join me.  While we were there, Christian had a question for Maureen: how does the bus lower itself when it comes to a stop and why does it make that cool “psssssssshhhhhhht” sound? Maureen didn’t know the answer herself, but we set off to find someone who might. We got to have a look around the bus bay where the mechanics who keep the busses running do their work.  It was pretty cool to be able  to take a look underneath a bus, and Christian got the answer to his question: air bags near the front wheels automatically deflate when the bus comes to a stop!  Thanks Maureen, both for your help in arranging the photo and for going the distance to satisfy an inquisitive seven year-old’s mind : )

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