I've had a few families move out of the area since I started my business and it always bums me out so much to see my clients go! Thankfully most of them return to the area now & then and they usually get in touch with me to schedule a shoot during their visit, which is the case with Sophia and her parents, Stephanie and Chris. I first met Sophia when she was just two weeks old and we have now done a total of five shoots together, our last being last September for her first birthday. Needless to say I was pretty excited to see my little friend again!
We met at Larrabee State Park and spent some time hanging out and exploring at the beach, where I learned Sophia has become *quite* the trooper since I saw her last. At first she was not too sure about the water but it didn't take her long to venture close enough to make splashes with rocks, and she was amazingly steady covering the rough terrain. Here are a few of my favorite photos of our time together...

What an adorable family... I was so excited to learn Stephanie is expecting again in September (although you can barely tell by her tiny baby bump!)

Sophia saw her first star fish on the beach that morning... which she simply referred to as "purple!"

Sophia also learned a new word during our shoot... BUG! She wasn't too sure of the creepy crawly caterpillar when Dad showed her, so she satisfied her curiosity from a distance : )

At one point Sophia and I found ourselves engaged in an all out giggle fest... it was one of my favorite moments during a shoot ever- this little girl can LAUGH! Over and over, she'd throw out her hands and busted into an infectious giggle that left me with tears in my eyes and sore abs, and I found myself giggling out loud even while processing the photos. Sophia completely won my heart in those three minutes of laughter!
(Be sure to click on this image to see it in full size!)You can see Sophia featured in my promo postcard shown at the top of my blog... that's her sucking her toes at age nine months : ) Since we've done so many shoots together, I thought it would be fun to dig out a few photos so you can see Sophia as I've seen her... from a peaceful newborn to a rambunctious, determined toddler. Aaahhh... I love my job : )
What a cutie! Sophia looks like she doesn't mind a camera one bit, and her parents must be delighted to have such great documentation of her growing older. I especially love the giggle fest sequence. Such fun!
Thanks for capturing those precious moments. You see, I am her grandmother and I live about 3000 miles from her. These pictures help bring her closer to me until I get to hold her again.
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