Michelle's not much of a make-up wearing sort of girl, so Grandma was responsible for the final inspection ; )

I think this picture of Michelle's dad Jeff seeing his daughter as a bride for the first time is so sweet. They are a very close father-daughter pair and had just about everyone in the room in tears!

Jake's mom was pretty happy to be scoring Michelle for a daughter-in-law!

Time for the ceremony! I think Michelle is ready... in fact her comment to me was "I was born to marry this guy." : )

After the ceremony it was time for some pictures of the bride & groom and their friends!

With photos out of the way, it was time for a toast and then the party was on!

And now, for the craziest sharing of the (cup)cake photos I've taken so far. I swear these two decided to have a wedding just so they could participate in this tradition. They didn't even attempt to get it in each others' mouths!

Since Jake & Michelle live out of state and I met them just a few days before the wedding, I didn't get a chance to post their engagement photos, so I thought I would share a few now! With the wedding only a few days off, I knew I needed to get these two to relax with me right away, so I took them to the playground in Cornwall Park to have some childish fun : ) (Jake & Michelle are the very last of my clients to be photographed on the old playground before it was removed...)

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