I'm still getting used to the new monitor so I'm sorry to say everyone who is scheduling or has scheduled appointments and projects with me this summer is going to have to bear with me while I recover from this setback. I usually try to get photos to clients within two weeks of our shoot (4 weeks for weddings) but that won't be the case for a while. I've already called my massage therapist to schedule a string of appointments and I'm thinking that trade I did for laundry service is going to come in very handy in the near future!
I thought since I was sharing a photo of the new monitor it might be fun to share a few photos of my home office work space as well, lest any of you think my job is ALL just running around in beautiful parks playing with cute kids! 75% of my work goes on behind the scenes. From marketing to communications to processing to shipping, this is where it ALL happens...

My work space is limited so I keep it pretty efficiently organized, but I need to have room for some fun personal affects too. I zoomed in the above picture to show you a couple of my favorite things I keep on my desk. The first is my Dwight Schrute bobble head. Asher and I are big fans of the show The Office and last year I ordered him one of these for Christmas. Somehow, I was shipped not one, but two bobble heads. I didn't ask any questions- I just figured it was from Santa, since I'd been such a good girl : )

My other favorite thing is the little dish that holds my miniature statue of Buddha from Archie McPhee in Ballard. I put this together about four years ago when I was working a lowly $10 an hour receptionist position. I kept it next to my monitor every day to remind me to keep a little Buddhist nature about me (not always easy at that job) and it remains next to my monitor today. Besides Buddha, it's always held a different variety of little tokens (and usually whatever jewelry I wore last!) Right now it holds the cacao bean I brought home from my shoot at Theo Chocolate, some shells I picked up on adventures to Lummi Island & Birch Bay and a cool seed pod- from who-knows-where!

I love reading your blog and the way you write. It seems so effortless and your bright personality shines through in your words. Can't wait to see more pictures of your projects and now I want to go visit Theo Chocolate!
This is a fun post. Thanks for giving us a sneak peak into your workspace. Question, do you laugh every time you look at that Schrute bobble head doll?
My Schrute bobble head is my pride & joy. He looks so smug bobbling there on my shelf- but the dork label gives him away every time!
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