My little pal Joaquim is a life long resident of downtown Bellingham and therefore walking to downtown destinations is a regular part of his life. I love the idea of documenting regular experiences in a child’s life, so for months I’ve been bugging his parents, Mark & Hedy, to let me join them for their weekly walk to the Bellingham Farmer’s Market. Joaquim just celebrated his second birthday on September 15th, which provided us a perfect excuse for doing this super fun shoot! We got together on the last Saturday of summer and Joaquim showed me the ropes of downtown living. Here’s the story of our adventure!

We headed out, bright and early…

did a little mandatory sidewalk clean-up…

Joaquim helped walk the family dog, Stella…

and showed off his mad street-crossing skills (wait for the man, not the hand!)

Coffee was ordered…

dear Stella waited patiently…

and was happy to be reunited with her people.

Joaquim enjoyed a tasty muffin…

a street musician played his banjo…

and Stella made endless attempts to swipe Joaquim’s tasty muffin.

Silly faces were made…

a tumble or two was taken…

and Stella caused a little raucous!

Good-bye Stella! No dogs allowed at the market!

Raspberries were requested…

pumpkins were patted…

and Joaquim paid his regular visit to the super cool V-dub bus.

Friends were happened upon…

germs were shared…

and Joaquim and Mama played Ring-Around-The Rosie in a hula-hoop!

The fountain was found…

Joaquim was a little thirsty…

Daddy had a sip…

and Mommy did too…

… more silly faces…

and Joaquim got very, very wet!

Time to change clothes…

but not without…

a little group hug!

Joaquim helped Mama pick out some dahlias …

then wandered off …

to find his favorite market musician… the hurdy-gurdy guy!

Appreciation was shown…

Joaquim had a turn…

and Mom offered up a big high-five!

Eyes got droopy…


and yawns replaced smiles.

We said good-bye to the market, reunited with Stella…

and Dad gave Joaquim a ride home.

What a great day!
You can see more photos of our adventure in a Facebook album. I met Joaquim when he was just two days old, so we’ve done lots of shoots together! Photos from previous shoots can be found here and here! (You can also see Mark and newborn Joaquim featured on the web banner at the top of the page!)
Dear Hedy, Mark, Joaquim & Stella! Thank you so much for inviting me to join your family for such a fun adventure. I loved every minute of our time together and hope these photos always bring big smiles to your faces! We definitely have to repeat this adventure again in the future – what a fun way to compare Joaquim’s growth & interests! Have fun being two, little buddy!