I was horrified to learn today that my buddy Zach was hit by a car while playing with kids at a birthday party on Saturday... he was seriously injured but thankfully he's okay and is already at home recuperating. Zach is another of my Gardenview Montessori kids who I've gotten to know over the past couple of years... he is very a sweet natured boy and such a protective big brother to his sister Taryn! I'd like to ask everyone to keep this boy and his wonderful family in your thoughts & prayers while they go through this extremely tough time. I can't wait to see your great smile again, Zach!
Spring gave us a little tease of things to come a couple weeks ago and I was lucky to spend the warm, sunny day on Camano Island with my buddy Greg, his sister Angie and their kids Finley & Isla and Cooper & Dayton. We had attempted a shoot when the cousins were together on a cold, blustery day last November and although we got a few nice shots in, it ended up being no fun at all for any of us so we vowed to try again in the spring. I'd say this time was a lot more fun for everyone : ) We played on the beach and went for a very long walk in the forest in Camano Island State Park (let me tell you, these kids are troopers!) We were all moving pretty slowly by the end of our adventure but I think everyone was thrilled to get some exercise in the fresh air. I know I was! Here are a few pictures from our afternoon together... enjoy!
I'd been wanting to do some shots of kids enjoying lollipops for awhile so I grabbed a bunch of them at the store on my way out of town. These poor kids were bribed and taunted with notions of lollipops for a good three hours before they actually got to hold one in their hot little hands. They definitely earned their sweet treat after our long adventure!
I was so taken with the Stout family after we met for Aurora's newborn shoot in November that I decided to give them a gift of my First Year package which, besides the newborn shoot, includes shoots at four, eight and twelve months. Baby Rory was almost five months old before we were able to find a compatible time in our schedules but we finally did and I was so happy to see this very special family again : ) Weighing in at over 18 pounds, Rory has grown into quite a "sturdy" girl since I saw her last! She is such a smiley, happy girl that I had a really hard time putting down the camera and calling it quits! With their jerky movements it can be pretty tough to get a good profile shot of a baby- apparently it helps if Mama sings songs to Baby in French! (Thanks, Karen! I love this shot!)
Mmmmm toes! I am always trying to get babies to eat their toes and Rory happily obliged!Seeing Karen & JB's smiles really makes me happy : )I am a total sucker for baby toes.I spend a lot of time wiping away drool during shoots with babies but sometimes I let a good one go by because... well because DROOL HAPPENS! I just could not let this scene go undocumented... look at that dimply little butt!Last one... this picture cracked me up the first time I saw it... I swear she's saying "Peace, Sistah!"You can read the story of how I met the Stout family and see photos from our previous shoot here. Be sure to stay tuned... it won't be long before we're planning our eight month shoot!
Baby Hanson was about two months old when I first met him last fall. He was a bit of a colicky little guy back then, so we had to work fast during that first shoot! He did great but I was very much looking forward to getting the chance to spend more time with him in the future because he's such a little cutie face! We got together again last weekend to get some shots of him at six months and I was so happy to see him greet me with a great big smile :) Of course as soon as I pulled out the camera he became a very serious faced boy- at first fascinated by that mysterious black box I kept hiding behind and then by the beautiful, swaying bamboo outside the window! But it's alright... no one ever said you have to smile for the camera every time to get a good picture : ) Here are a few of my faves of handsome Hanson and his mom & dad...