The thing I really love about Mark & Hedy is that they are totally comfortable being just who they are with me. Sometimes it is a real challenge to get my clients to relax and be themselves in front of the camera but that is never a problem with Mark or Hedy! We just hang out at their house, talk & play with Joaquim & the dog & cats while I'm snapping away. It always feels more like a visit between friends than a photo shoot. The result is a bunch of completely non-traditional but beautiful images that truly capture the heart of this family!
One of the cool things about being a photographer is that I possess a skill worth trading with others! I love doing skills trades with clients and for months before I met Hedy I'd been wishing & hoping to find a pregnant massage therapist to trade photographs for massages. Imagine how happy I was when I learned she was a massage therapist! She loved the idea of trading my "First Year" package for (MUCH needed) massages and so we met last month to capture this little guy at age three months.
What a happy baby Joaquim is! I generally prefer to wait to photograph babies until they are four months old because it is much easier to elicit smiles from them at that age but I had no problem getting smiles from this one! I had such a great time with him this time that I can hardly wait to see him again at age 6 months... my favorite age to work with!

PS: I'm always open to considering trades for goods or services. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to contact me!
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