Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father’s Day!

Howerton_10.009_clr (24)

It’s time again to wish a happy Father’s Day to all the awesome dads I get to work with every year! I hope you all are having a fabulous day celebrating your special day with your beautiful families!

 ABlair_1.010_clr (43)-2Kin_5.009_sm (29)LambFam_11.009_clr (56)Faria 6.010 clr (122)

Dooley_9.009_bw_sm (25)Robinson_10.009_bw (17)Alex_2-010_bw (15)Bach 10.009 (5)Bermudez_11.009_bw (37)

Brown_8.001_clr_sm (66)Cole 10.009 (8) Croft_10.009 (16)IMG_19072

V-McK_3_010_clr (25) Feenstra_10.009_clr (54) Brunner_11.009_clr (75)Bach 10.009 (21)

13831_192123591064_57987121064_3373570_7847346_nFisher 5.010 bw (26)  F-V PreCer_bw (11) Hen_10.009_bw (40)    Klein 10.009 (1) Konikoff_4010_clr (57)   M-D_Fam-WP_clr (26)Melia_10.009_clr (9)Brunner_11.009_clr (87)Dixon_Cer_clr (22)

RAW Howerton (136)Osborn_2.010_bw (52)

Paglia_Boho_sm (64) P-F 5.010 clr (73)

Potter_2_010_clr (78) Hen_10.009_bw (54)RAW Faria (80)

  RAW Howerton (147) Cole 10.009 (11) Robinson_10.009_clr (20) Feenstra_10.009_clr (69)LambFam_11.009_clr (45)Rowe_8.009_clr_lg (66) AKing1 4.010 clr (62)

7016_160227011064_57987121064_3096931_1222763_nUnger_1.010_bw (18) Alex_2-010_clr (85)  V-McK_3_010_clr (61)Weppler 10.009 (22) Melia_10.009_clr (20)


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