Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My New Buddy Jaxon

I met baby Jaxon and his mom & dad at a wedding I shot in August- as soon as I saw this little guy I knew I had to take his pictures, so I sidled right up to his ma and told her how cute he is! I gave her my card and hoped she would call. I was so happy when she did! We got together to capture the essence of Jax at age 6 months and had such a great time. I'm definitely looking forward to watching this little "pup" grow up : )



HeidiJo said...

Your photos are wonderful! I loved the shots of Paul and Alicia's wedding out in the county earlier this year. That's where you met little Jax. Anyhow, these little Jax pictures are GREAT! You really captured his cute little personality. I liked looking through the rest of your pictures on this blog too.
It's inspired me to pick up my camera again and start photographing everything around me. It's been too long.

Thanks for sharing!

Jen Martin Studios said...

The photos of the lil man are wonderful. I love the little pouty lip! Great shots.

Your entire blog is beautiful. I wish I had more time to get out and photograph leaves and naturey stuff too. My husband got me battery powered socks for xmas - so I can go take some photos outside before spring!

Im going to bookmark this and check back. :) Thanks for sharing these.