Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to.... Me!

Today I turned 40 years old. To some this might be a birthday to dread but as I was facing 40 for the past few months, I decided that rather than dreading it, I was going to help pave new roads for younger generations and completely embrace this milestone instead. To celebrate, last night I had a few of my best girls over for a good old fashioned, no-boys-allowed slumber party!

Each of us either just turned 40 or are about to and all I wanted for this year was to remind us all of our youthful spirit and girlie-girl nature... so I decorated my house with balloons and streamers and requested that everyone wear pink : ) Throw together a bunch of itching-to-boogie girlfriends and some good food & drink with a disco ball and non-stop hits from the 80's, and I had myself the best 40th birthday celebration I could ever wish for!

1 comment:

Me said...

Happy Birthday!!
What a fantastic way to spend a birthday & what a great idea! I love it!
By the way 40 is the new 30 so live it up! :)